Anyone heard of P4 NW Sudden Death Syndrome?

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--- Anyone heard of P4 NW Sudden Death Syndrome?

Ein Ausdruck des Beitrags mit 3 Antworten ergibt bei 3 Antworten pro Seite ca. 1 DIN A4 Seiten. Das entspricht bei 80 g/m² ca. 4.99 Gramm Papier.

-- Veröffentlicht durch ChainDog am 13:08 am 16. Dez. 2002

i read an article some days ago (cant remember where), but it looks like that all processors can suffer under high voltage like the p4... better manufacturing-> less µ-> higher suffering from high voltage..
it was an high technical article...maybe i can find it again

-- Veröffentlicht durch Webspacemail am 1:18 am 6. Dez. 2002

of course, i know, that every p4 0.13micron is going down with 1.75Volt or more, after 4 weeks or so,

my p4 has the same problems, before with 1.72 V @ 2.7GHz

now with 1.42 V @ 2GHz(standard)

and no MHz more :-(

-- Veröffentlicht durch KS am 12:21 am 5. Dez. 2002

I don't know if it could also happen to AMD T-bred 0.13micron.
I heard that 0.13 micron is more volt sensitive than 0.18 micron and thus easier to die at high voltage than 0.18 micron. PC Forum
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