duron overclocking problems

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-- English

--- duron overclocking problems

Ein Ausdruck des Beitrags mit 6 Antworten ergibt bei 3 Antworten pro Seite ca. 2 DIN A4 Seiten. Das entspricht bei 80 g/m² ca. 9.98 Gramm Papier.

-- Veröffentlicht durch SchlitzerMcGourgh am 19:01 am 20. Juli 2002

oh lach mich tod!
oh sorry: i´m gonna to laugh me death!!!

-- Veröffentlicht durch jogoman am 18:43 am 22. Mai 2002

ahh right!!! :lol:

-- Veröffentlicht durch ocinside am 17:51 am 22. Mai 2002

don't know, i think it's called menu :lol:

-- Veröffentlicht durch jogoman am 16:41 am 22. Mai 2002

@jens (ocinside): wtf is "menü"???? :lol: :wink:

-- Veröffentlicht durch ocinside am 13:37 am 23. April 2002

first of all "Beschreibung des Themas" means that it's possible to write in a more detailed description (if necessary) ;)

But if nothing happens after you've cut and painted the bridges, there have to be a failure.
Please try to connect the L7 bridges with your pencil to check if your pencil give the necessary resistor to "become a bridge connection" ;)
After this you should get 1.85 Vcore in your PC-Health Menü.

If this works you can be sure the pencil is OK :thumb:

That means that you didn't cut the bridges 100 % !

Oh and btw you have to use the "older" painting guide if you didn't have a 5 bit (5 bridges) Duron !

-- Veröffentlicht durch DrEw am 4:08 am 23. April 2002

i have a duron 950 and i want to overlclock it to a 1200 but im sure it would go higher  but i tried the pencil trick and cut some bridges with a nife and a needle and  some other licky thing well im not sure the cut threw but in dos when i reboot it still rights 950?
what can i do?

i have a ecs k7s5a mainboard with a duron950 and i cant change the cpu ratio on it so i decided to apply the pencil trick to overclock it to a 1150 (sure i could go higher)  but when i booted up it still was written duron 950 so i reapplied and no luck  what can i be doing wrong or what am i know doing?

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