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kozmate Erstellt: 23:00 am 10. Juni 2003
The multiplier change is working, but my best result is only 10*166 at 1,7V  (
kozmate Erstellt: 16:13 am 9. Juni 2003
<img border="1" src="" width="196" height="119">

I'll try it. Thanks!

(Geändert von kozmate um 16:13 am Juni 9, 2003)
thax2k Erstellt: 15:58 am 9. Juni 2003
Hello you have to connect the 5th L3 bridge.
kozmate Erstellt: 15:53 am 9. Juni 2003

I have a KT3 ULTRA 2 RAID mobo, and an AMD 2200+ (133*13,5) Thoroughbred core processor. The L1 bridges are connected.
If I change the the multiplier (up, down it's all the same) then it doesn't booting.  I want to set down the multiplier.

Can anybody help me? What can I do?

Thx. Máté