IgorPlug error

- OCinside.de PC Forum

-- English

--- IgorPlug error

Ein Ausdruck des Beitrags mit 5 Antworten ergibt bei 3 Antworten pro Seite ca. 2 DIN A4 Seiten. Das entspricht bei 80 g/m² ca. 9.98 Gramm Papier.

-- Veröffentlicht durch ocinside am 16:40 am 14. März 2007

This may be caused by several reasons.
First of all, try another remote control and check if you've really used the right parts (TSOP 1738 is a good choice for most remote control units).
Of course also check once again all solderings.

If everything is OK and if it doesn't work with another RC, try to optimize the Girder plugin.
There're some advanced options in the Plugin Config which might be useful for your PC (priority, etc).
You'll see the help when you move the mouse over the option fields.

If the failures still remains, download and start WinLIRC, watch the "Raw Codes" window and check if you get lot's of signals without pressing any RC button.

-- Veröffentlicht durch alxnguy am 15:36 am 14. März 2007

The IR receiver does not funtion well. It doesn't receive all signal from my remote.

How can I do to do it work correctly.


-- Veröffentlicht durch ocinside am 8:16 am 14. März 2007

Yes, this is necessary to tell the program which COM port pin you've used for the data signal of the serial infrared receiver.

-- Veröffentlicht durch alxnguy am 18:44 am 13. März 2007

I has resolve the problem. In IgorPlug.dll's setting I choose the good "input signal" that is to say "DCD".

If you made the igor infrared receiver (com port) you have to choose "input signal DSR"



-- Veröffentlicht durch alxnguy am 17:37 am 13. März 2007

I have made recently the infrared receiver (the better one with SR1 78L05 component)

My problem is that it doesn't work with girder (v 3.3 and v3.2) and the igorPlug.dll

The error message is: Warning there may be hardware prroblem in receiver!

Somebody can help please?



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