Overclocking barton 2600+

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--- Overclocking barton 2600+

Ein Ausdruck des Beitrags mit 23 Antworten ergibt bei 3 Antworten pro Seite ca. 8 DIN A4 Seiten. Das entspricht bei 80 g/m² ca. 39.92 Gramm Papier.

-- Veröffentlicht durch Beomaster am 2:17 am 17. März 2007

I hope you won't loose to much power with memory in asynchronous mode.
Its mostly better to loose some MHz by CPU, but running memory synchron with FSB, especially on NF2 Boards

-- Veröffentlicht durch Feyenord am 19:38 am 16. März 2007

Well, I bought a cooling sink for my Viking ram so it should not be overheating anymore.
I also bought another 512mb RAM-Patriot ddr400 which already has a cooling sink on it.
And my psu is now LCpower 550W (the old one died).
I tryed getting past 194/39, that is 2200 mhz in core, but I couldn't do it because my system would freeze and crash with random blue screen errors. Raising vcore or dram voltage didn't help.
Then I put memory in asinchronous mode, on 266 mhz and set the cpu straight to 203/33 (2330mhz) and vcore of cpu to 1,8V and it's stable now.
If I go to 204/34 pc starts to freeze again, even if I set vcore to 1,85V which is max.
Well, anyway, 2330 is a very nice speed with this old processor and motherboard so I'm happy with it:) . After all it's an improvement from 2600+ to 3030+ XP points.
Well, here is a screenshot:

(Geändert von Feyenord um 19:42 am März 16, 2007)

-- Veröffentlicht durch Beomaster am 15:38 am 19. Feb. 2007

I see, then check out if its really to warm to give it a bit cool air, mustnt be strong, a silent 80 at 5V should be enough.
Or maybe your CPU is to warm when you raise the vcore?
or maybe it is necessary to raise ne chipset voltage and/or give the northbridge a better cooling

-- Veröffentlicht durch Feyenord am 15:32 am 19. Feb. 2007

Oops sorry, I typed wrong, I set the RAM to 2,75V not 1,75.

-- Veröffentlicht durch Beomaster am 15:16 am 19. Feb. 2007

dram voltage 1,75V is to less, this couldnt work
standard is 2,5V, I just want you to go to 2,65V
if you belive your RAM is to warm, put a small fan before it, blowing on the chips

-- Veröffentlicht durch Feyenord am 11:30 am 19. Feb. 2007

I think the RAM is overheating. I set the vcore to 1,8V and dram voltage to 1,75V and the system was freezing all the time in windows. Then I set the dram voltage back to default and the system is stable again. So, I guess this is the limit, to go further I would need better ram :) .
About agp apperture size, I set it to 64 mb and games work a bit faster than on 128mb.

-- Veröffentlicht durch Beomaster am 21:35 am 18. Feb. 2007

AGP Size?
Take as less as possible, your Viste need a lot of RAM
if you have enough RAM, I would guess round about the half of your grafic card will be enough.
Just check out with 3DMark, or your favourite game if you get more or less performence with a bigger or smaller AGP size

-- Veröffentlicht durch Feyenord am 21:10 am 18. Feb. 2007

I only have Viking 512mb 400mhz ram installed, I threw the slow 256mb ram away. Fsb 200 is stable with 1,7V. I think it's processor, when I have it on 400 fsb it's very unstable and crashes fast, on 395 it's ok but still crashes now and then, on 390 it's ok and stable. I don't know about changing voltage on ram, it's very basic ram without any cooling unit on it, so I'm not sure about it's overclocking ability :) . Maybe I should raise my cpu vcore a bit, but I'm very uncomfortable with my motherboard having such huge steps, it only has 1,65 , 1,7 , 1,75 , 1,8 and so on, It would be better if I could change the steps by 0,25V lol.
I have another question if anyone knows. How much should I have the graphic apperture size in bios set to? I have it 128mb right now. Windows Vista takes 300mb of my ram, so 200 is left for games. My gfx is geforce 7600gs 256mb.

-- Veröffentlicht durch Beomaster am 20:34 am 18. Feb. 2007

you have to check it out if its RAM or CPU
if FSB 200 is stable with 1,7V on CPU, you know its your CPU
if its still unstable its probably the RAM, but if you have only your DDR400 running, it should be not the problem, maybe 2,65V on RAM would help

-- Veröffentlicht durch Feyenord am 15:03 am 18. Feb. 2007

Hey guys, long time no seen.
I have my barton now running at 2259 mhz and still very cool (probably because it's winter:lol:).
My fsb is now arround 395 mhz and it's quite close to RAM's 400mhz. The problem is, when I set the fsb over 400 mhz the system becomes very unstable and crashes when windows starts or even while loading windows. If the fsb is below 400 mhz, everything works perfect. So, I'm guessing I reached the limits of my RAM, and further overclocking is not possible? Or maybe I need to increase the voltage? I have 1,7V right now.

-- Veröffentlicht durch Schermi74 am 13:24 am 17. Jan. 2007


i had a barton 2500+ which were running at 2340 @ 1,725 V that should be somewhere around average i think, but take a look at the overclocking database there you can get a overview how high they've been overclocked.

Edit: but be aware some people enter theyr P4 Powerrating,so don't get confused of the high results

(Geändert von Schermi74 um 13:34 am Jan. 17, 2007)

-- Veröffentlicht durch NWD am 19:15 am 16. Jan. 2007


i got mine at ~ 2200mhz max. but it was a crappy one.

You can go as far as you want but
-> VCore should not be higher than 1,85 volts
-> Max. Temp should not exeed 55°C ( external ) or ~ 60°C ( internal Diode )

-- Veröffentlicht durch Feyenord am 18:38 am 15. Jan. 2007

Currently I have it at 2100mhz and it's still stable and cool (42C at full load). How high did people usually overclock these bartons?

-- Veröffentlicht durch NWD am 16:55 am 13. Jan. 2007


and btw: a 512mb ddr pc400 - module is not too expensive.. So with 1gb ram and oc it will boost up your system nicely.

-- Veröffentlicht durch Feyenord am 16:13 am 13. Jan. 2007

Big thanks for your help NWD, my system already works faster now!
I removed the 256mb RAM and my Barton is overclocking nicely now, currently at 2000 mhz. I also lowered the ram frequency to 333mhz, so it's 1:1 ratio with the fsb. I always thought it's better to have more ram, but now I see old ram can really slow down the whole system :) .
The best thing is the temperature of my processor core is still very low-40 when working and 37 when idle. So i'll OC it some more without problems.
Thanks again!

-- Veröffentlicht durch NWD am 14:00 am 13. Jan. 2007

as far as i know you cant unlock these cpus anymore..

so the only way to overclock it is via FSB- which leads us again to your ddr-266 module ;)

-- Veröffentlicht durch Feyenord am 12:32 am 13. Jan. 2007

How stupid of me, I've only just realized that the multiplyer is locked :nabend: . So, how do I unlock it, is there any easyer way than pencil and pins?

-- Veröffentlicht durch NWD am 19:40 am 12. Jan. 2007

@ Ram:

I dont believe that you will be able to clock a FSB-333 CPU via FSB with only PC-266 DDR-Ram.

Just give it a try without this module

@ VCore: try WCPUID to read out the Vcore.

-- Veröffentlicht durch Feyenord am 19:31 am 12. Jan. 2007

Yeah I know, that ram is slow and old, only pc2700. But without it i'll have only 512mb RAM, which is kinda low for today's games. You really think it could slow the computer down so much?
As for Vcore, like I said, it seems to be locked or something, I can change it in bios, but it has no effect and CPUz in windows shows the stock frequency of 1,7V.

-- Veröffentlicht durch NWD am 18:25 am 12. Jan. 2007


First you got one DDR-266 - Module running with a 333er CPU
This is kinda stupid ?!

Second, i have a similar CPU. The Multi was locked and i only got it at a max of ~ 2200 Mhz with 1,85V and Watercooling.
( Could have done more, only got DDR-333er Ram and a nForce2 )

So try it without your slow DDR-266, RAM:FSB - Ratio 1:1 and with max. 1,85V VCore.

-- Veröffentlicht durch Feyenord am 14:52 am 12. Jan. 2007

I don't think it's psu. I had a radeon 9500 before, which eats a lot less power, and the problem was the same.
As for the fsb, I was changing a bit of both,fsb and multyplier, calculating it carefully so it wouldnt be too much change in mhz. I'll try lowering the fsb a bit and work with multyplier more.

-- Veröffentlicht durch ocinside am 14:21 am 12. Jan. 2007

I think you've just tried to increase the FSB.
You should prefer the multiplier, because it might be, that your somewhat older memory module doesn't like the higher frequency.
Otherwise it may be the PSU - if you've another one, it should be worth to test it.

-- Veröffentlicht durch Feyenord am 14:10 am 12. Jan. 2007

I want to overclock my Barton 2600+ but I'm having some problems. I am able to change my fsb and multyplier in bios. But, after about 40 mhz increase, the system becomes very unstable. It freezes during the games. I bought a big zalman fan a while ago and the temperatures are normal(never exceeding 50C). I think I should increase the voltage, which is now only at 1,744V. I can increase it in bios without problem, but when I come in windows and look at CPUz, it still says 1,7V. Is the voltage locked or something? And how can I unlock it? I remember flashing my system bios about a year ago, the performance increased a bit then, but I still can't change the voltage.
Here are full system specs:

-Psu: Mercury 400W
-Motherboard: Asus A7V600, VIA KT600 chipset
-Processor: Socket A, AthlonXP 2600+ Barton running at 1920mhz(stock)  
with Zalman 5700AlCu fan
-RAM: 1x256mb Transcend 266mhz, 1x512mb Viking 400mhz
-Video card: GeForce 7600GS 256mb DDR2 (not overclocked-yet :lol: )

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