Locking mobile 2500 multiplier

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-- English

--- Locking mobile 2500 multiplier

Ein Ausdruck des Beitrags mit 2 Antworten ergibt bei 3 Antworten pro Seite ca. 1 DIN A4 Seiten. Das entspricht bei 80 g/m² ca. 4.99 Gramm Papier.

-- Veröffentlicht durch ocinside am 8:57 am 29. Nov. 2005

For your mobile processor it's only necessary to connect the L6 bridge as shown in this painting guide to use any multi software.
And if your mobo doesn't recognize the mobile startup multi (also depends on the used BIOS), you're also able to paint directly to a higher multiplier.

-- Veröffentlicht durch krazefinn am 2:12 am 29. Nov. 2005

I've been trying to get my ECS K7S5A to boot at 14x, rather than the lowest, 6x.
Prefer not to run crystalcpu and speedfan simultaneously, would rather try to wire/paint (if possible) the cpu in order to lock the multiplier at 14X.

Any suggestions? All input appreciated

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