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BDKMPSS Erstellt: 4:32 am 26. Juli 2004
OK, now I now how it works
osl Erstellt: 21:57 am 25. Juli 2004
I do not fully understand it myself, but it has to do with slightly increasing (or decreasing for overvolting) the current (I) to input Pin 1 and the KA7500C will compensate and ultimately lower (or rise) the output voltage.

Increasing the current (and lowering the output voltage) is achieved by letting a little more current come through resistor connected to plus (+). Decreasing the current (and rising the output voltage) is achieved by bleeding of a little current through a resistor to minus (-).

Overvolting this way has already been proven (Kevin Cribbs ref.), but reversing this and undervolting this way was my own idea.

I have included the internals of the KA7500C (maybe somebody can explain better how this works).

BDKMPSS Erstellt: 4:58 am 25. Juli 2004
:noidea: wie hat er das gemacht? (ich meine jetzt nicht wirklich, aber Warum setzt das borard die V-Core runter???)
nubbi Erstellt: 11:30 am 24. Juli 2004
osl Erstellt: 0:19 am 24. Juli 2004
Weniger Antworten Mehr Antworten
osl Erstellt: 14:39 am 17. Juli 2004
The KA7500C undervolting mod works perfectly. One (5 cents) 270K resistor betwen pin 1 and pin 12 and Vcore is down 0.3 V and temps down 7 degrees (and everything is stable). Tests show that there is a nice linear correspondance between Vcore and the resistor value: Vcore = 1 + (R/1Mohm) V

Underclocking (or undervolting) made easy.


CMOS Erstellt: 18:16 am 15. Juli 2004
do the pinmod i showed and cut all L11 bridges on the cpu and it should work!

@dergeert .. er hat nen mobile mit 1.35V default spannung, also sollte es gehen
dergeert Erstellt: 15:16 am 15. Juli 2004
attention, guys....

there is no pinmod to lower the voltage, and ther never will be....

you always get combinations of the bridge-configuration on the cpu and the pinmod-config. so all you can do without cutting any bridges on the cpu is raisa da vcore

first thing to do is cut all the bridges but one on the cpu to get 1,1v... then you can uncreas voltage by pinmod, not before i'm afraid
KakYo Erstellt: 13:01 am 15. Juli 2004
If this mod really works (i don´t believe it:lol:) you have to use a Monitoring software oder something else...
osl Erstellt: 12:41 am 15. Juli 2004
Maybe this is a stupid question, but where should I measure the resulting Vcore after the mod ? Does the Bios show the actual Vcore after the mod ?
